We have implemented Iyzico payment system into this website after completely designing and developing it. We continue to provide hosting and server maintenance services.
Project Scope:
- Complete web design and development
- Iyzico integration
- Graphic design
- Hosting and server maintenance
- SEO and digital marketing
Website :
Kusadasi AVM is the biggest shopping mall in the town. We have delivered a complete redesign of their webpage and we continue to support it.
Project Scope:
- Complete web design and development
- Graphic design
- Hosting and server maintenance
Website :
Our client for eight years. We've designed and developed the entire website. Click here for more details.
Project Scope:
- Complete web design and development
- Graphic design
- Hosting and server maintenance
- Adwords, SEO and digital marketing
Online Ticketing Integration:
Park Aquafantasy Website:
Aquafantasy Hotel Website:
WIFIM is a powerful and effective social hotspot for businesses. We've designed and built a website that's as simple and easy to use as WIFIM hotspot interface.
Project Scope:
- Complete web design and development
- Social hotspot application
- Social media management
- Content management
- Graphic design
- Mail marketing
- Hosting and server maintenance
- Adwords, SEO and digital marketing